teaching english from home

If you ask people what their dream job is, often you will get a similar answer, where the job, as such, is not the main part of the answer but, rather, the flexibility and lifestyle the job can provide.

People have started to look for solutions on how to make money working from home over the past few years.

Working from home, or remotely, can accommodate traveling, spending more time with family, or simply having a less hectic lifestyle.

Teaching English from home is a really big opportunity to tap into a lucrative and flexible lifestyle.

Where Did It All Start?

Since the early 2000s teaching English abroad has been an incredible opportunity for many who wanted to live and work abroad. The perfect solution is combining travel and the opportunity to earn money teaching English anywhere in the world.

This opportunity allowed students as well as professionals, who were qualified, to apply for jobs abroad and enjoy the adventures this lifestyle has to offer.

Over the last few years, we have seen huge leaps and movements in the particular industry.

Even though you are still free to apply for a job abroad, you now also have the phenomenal opportunity to earn money teaching English online, from the comfort of your own home, while regulating your own hours!

It is a brand-new profession that is growing faster than most professions.

What Is Behind the Online Demand for English Teachers?

make money teaching english from home

English is the fastest growing language in human history in the last few decades. It is classified as the most common language.

Did you know that English is spoken by 1.8 billion people around the globe? By 2020 the British Council is projecting that over 2 billion people will be actively speaking or learning English. Globalization is the shortest way to explain the worldwide boom in the English language.

People need to learn English not just because it can make life a bit easier, but more often than not, it is necessary to know English in some capacity in order to secure a job.

Most of the international business world sees English as an essential qualification.

This presents an incredible opportunity for stay at home moms, or other professionals who are seeking a more flexible job schedule to capitalize on this field.

What Are Some Random but Interesting Facts?

  • Countries that promote English do better overall in jobs and education
  • Countries that integrate English in their school curriculum have seen an increase in their gross national product (GDP)
  • English is the most widely taught language today
  • English as a Second Language (ESL) speakers are more than English Native Speakers (twice as many actually)
  • China is the leading ESL country in the world ( over 300 million people are learning English)
  • Approximately 100,000 English teaching jobs open annually on a global scale
  • Globally it is estimated there are over 40000 and counting ESL facilities.

Did You Know That:

  • English is mandatory in primary ( or elementary) grade levels in many countries worldwide
  • Japan has introduced English in primary grade level, while in Dubai it is introduced for students as young as 5 years old (kindergarten).

The Great Opportunity Ahead

The entire English learning system appears to be migrating online. There are amazing opportunities for teaching English online for professionals or people who want to become ESL teachers.

Although students learn basic English at school, almost everyone seeks to reinforce that with extra ESL classes online.

This means you can begin teaching English from home,Β  from anywhere in the world, without having to relocate.

Many companies exist online that offer you the opportunity to make more than $20 per hour teaching people around the world on your own schedule.

This opportunity is rapidly allowing many people to transition into a remote teaching career which comes with a flexible schedule and a lucrative potential.

What Is VIPKID Teachers Portal?

VIPKID is an incredible, super user-friendly portal that allows teachers to connect with students from around the world for one-on-one ESL classes.

You can make as much as $22 per hour teaching English from home while meeting great people from around the world.

Why Is VIPKID so Amazing?

VIPKID is literary changing lives by providing people who want to begin teaching English from home with an incredible platform, an already in place curriculum, and a wide audience with students waiting to be matched with their teacher!

With VIPKID you have a unique opportunity to set your schedule and teach from anywhere you want. The truest form of success is being shifted from a high-end corporate position, to positions where people can be in charge of their time. This platform will allow you to take back control of your daily schedule. For stay at home mothers this is the perfect scenario!

They also come with some of the highest rates in the industry of up to $22 per hour, plus they offer other incentives, referrals, and other opportunities.

What Is the Process to Join VIPKID as an ESL Teacher?

Applicants must have at least a Bachelor’s Degree to apply with VIPKID.

The rest of the process is friendly and easy to follow.

  1. You make an account online by visiting the VIPKID website, which includes a basic online application.
  2. Once your application gets accepted, you do a one-on-one session with a VIPKID recruiter where you have an opportunity to showcase your teaching skills and methods.
  3. You then have to watch a few videos regarding their curriculum and standards.
  4. Before entering the LIVE version, you will have to do a mockup teaching class.
  5. Sign your contract
  6. Begin booking clients!

Their process has great due diligence, which means they are becoming the preferred ESL portal provider online quite fast.

Last time we checked, they had over 600 000 students enrolled in their system.

If you have any other questions that we did not answer for you here, we highly recommend you check their FAQ page on how to get started.

The General Outlook for the Industry

The current estimation for the ESL market globally is $103 billion, and it is growing bigger every passing year.

With more people joining the online market, and more areas gaining access to the internet, it is not looking like this will slow down anytime soon.

This is the perfect time to position yourself in the market as an ESL expert and begin building your client portfolio.

Pair up with VIPKID now and start to make money teaching English from home.