My Story


Hello my name is Sonia. I am the blogger behind 🌹

I have a Passion for families and I want to help them reach their Dreams, have fun, stay healthy & raise children that will Positively Impact our World.

While Raising 4 children, 6 dogs, 2 hamsters, 2 turtles, 1 cat (I’m allergic but I tried for daughter #2’s sake), too many fish to count & a husband (lol), in one of the most expensive states to live, Sunny Southern California, I have learned the fine art of Stretching my dollar and still be able to enjoy life with my Family.

I Care about Money and I think we all should. Thanks to my oldest son, I have been enlightened that just because you Care about your Money does not in any way make you superficial, materialistic or a heathen.

Honestly, It just shows that YOUΒ Care So Much about your family’s needs & you are trying your hardest & darnedest to meet those needs with what you have been given in this life.

By trade, I have been an RN for 30 years. I have learned a few things and can show you how to save money and avoid unnecessary spending on illnesses, Doctor and ER visits. I’ve worked 10 years in ICU, 2 yrs in Psych/Chemical Dependency and going on 12 yrs in Out Patient Surgery 😷. So Stay tuned for some funny nursing stories.Β  A few years ago, I got hurt working as a nurse. I had surgery and things did not go as planned. So now I am very restricted in my career. Honestly, I don’t know how much longer I can keep working. This has been a big motivating factor in starting my Blog.

I have enjoyed hiking big scary mountains, gardening, washing cars with the kids and working out. Currently I enjoy classic rock concerts, movies, being with family and friends, volunteering, eating popcorn while reading and now, blogging. 🌹 My goal for this blog 🎯

I want mom’s, dad’s and families to take their financial situation a bit more seriously. To realize Money matters. Yes we all know it matters but then it stops there. We acknowledge this but don’t really do anything about it. We need to take the next step.

If you have ever had a boss, you know as well as I, they are always trying to make a profit & cut the costs. Your Family home is exactly like running a small business. There is rent to pay, products to buy, Management, new trainees (the kids), utilities to pay, a Warehouse (garage), accounting / Finance Manager (ummmm…. you) with accounts payable, receivable, etc… So let us be the Boss our lives & manage our Home and Family’s small business well.

We need to take action such as truly getting Debt Free, have a savings account with more money in it than our checking account on pay day ( keeping it real)Β  and start investing.

We need to better manage our money habits. Financial stability is so very important for all companies & countries around the World. If its so important for them, shouldn’t it be important for our families too?

We need to Make lists for our money. Put our money into different accounts 🏦 when necessary. Save our Money. Invest our Money ( tell our money what to do).  Not spend our money on stupid stuff, make some extra money and budget our money.

Its almost like our money is another child that needs discipline, schooling and regular feedings, Lol.

You can reach your family’s financial Goals and Dreams. No matter what life throws your way. There is HOPE! Just keep moving forward. One Step at a Time. If you fall back a bit, that’s OK. Just get back up & try again tomorrow. πŸŒ…



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